About Paul Ruth

Paul Ruth is the Assistant Director at Network Research and Infrastructure Group (NRIG), RENCI, UNC-Chapel Hill. His research interests include building and using dynamic cloud computing and network testbeds for software defined exchanges targeted at data-driven scientific workflows. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Purdue University in 2007.
Publications involving Paul Ruth
- Achieving Performance Isolation on Multi-Tenant Networked Clouds Using Advanced Block Storage Mechanisms
- Adapting Scientific Workflows on Networked Clouds Using Proactive Introspection
- An On-Demand Weather Avoidance System for Small Aircraft Flight Path Routing
- An On-Demand Weather Avoidance System for Small Aircraft Flight Path Routing
- Anomaly Detection for Scientific Workflow Applications on Networked Clouds
- Application Aware Software Defined Flows of Workflow Ensembles
- Capacity of Inter-Cloud Layer-2 Virtual Networking
- COMET: A Distributed Metadata Service for Federated Cloud Infrastructures
- COMET: Distributed Metadata Service for Multi-cloud Experiments
- Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence Pilot: Connecting Large Facilities Cyberinfrastructure
- Domain Science Applications on GENI: Presentation and Demo
- Dynamic Network Provisioning for Data Intensive Applications in the Cloud
- DyNamo: Scalable Weather Workflow Processing in the Academic MultiCloud
- Enabling Data Streaming-based Science Gateway through Federated Cyberinfrastructure
- Enabling Persistent Queries for Cross-aggregate Performance Monitoring
- Enabling Workflow Repeatability with Virtualization Support
- Evaluating I/O Aware Network Management for Scientific Workflows on Networked Clouds
- ExoGENI: A Multi-Domain Infrastructure-as-a-Service Testbed
- FABRIC: A National-Scale Programmable Experimental Network Infrastructure
- Leveraging and Adapting ExoGENI Infrastructure for Data-Driven Domain Science Workflows
- PANORAMA: An Approach to Performance Modeling and Diagnosis of Extreme Scale Workflows
- Provisioning and Evaluating Multi-domain Networked Clouds for Hadoop-based Applications
- Scaling up Applications Over Distributed Clouds with Dynamic Layer-2 Exchange and Broadcast Service
- Slice-based Network Transit Service: Inter-Domain L2 Networking on ExoGENI
- The Future of CISE Distributed Research Infrastructure
- The Future of CISE Distributed Research Infrastructure
- The Future of Multi-Clouds: a Survey of Essential Architectural Elements
- The GENI Book: ExoGENI: A Multi-Domain Infrastructure-as-a-Service Testbed
- Toward a Dynamic Network-centric Distributed Cloud Platform for Scientific Workflows: A Case Study for Adaptive Weather Sensing
- Toward an End-to-end Framework for Modeling, Monitoring and Anomaly Detection for Scientific Workflows
- Toward Live Inter-Domain Network Services on the ExoGENI Testbed
- Toward Prioritization of Data Flows for Scientific Workflows Using Virtual Software Defined Exchanges
- Towards an Experimental LegoLand: Slice Modification and Recovery in ExoGENI Testbed
- FABRIC Network Service Model
- (POSTER) Network Testbed for Experimenting With Decentralized Federated Learning
Related Projects
- Chameleon Cloud
- DyNamo: Delivering a Dynamic Network-Centric Platform for Data-Driven Science
- ExoGENI Testbed
- FAB (FABRIC Across Borders)
- NSF CICI: Creating Dynamic Superfacilities the SAFE Way
- Panorama 360
- Pilot Study for a Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence (CiCoE Pilot)
- Panorama
- RADII: Resource Aware Datacentric collaboratIve Infrastructure
- ADAMANT: Adaptive Data-Aware Multi-domain Application Network Topologies