About Komal Thareja

Komal Thareja is a software engineer at RENCI with experience in database applications, cloud orchestration(IaaS), distributed systems and scalable computing. She has been a key contributor to the control software for the next generation networks and experimental testbeds such as FABRIC. Prior to her scientific work here she has an extensive corporate world experience architecting and implementing applications in the mobile communications industry.
Publications involving Komal Thareja
- An On-Demand Weather Avoidance System for Small Aircraft Flight Path Routing
- An On-Demand Weather Avoidance System for Small Aircraft Flight Path Routing
- Application Aware Software Defined Flows of Workflow Ensembles
- Automating Edge-to-cloud Workflows for Science: Traversing the Edge-to-cloud Continuum with Pegasus
- COMET: A Distributed Metadata Service for Federated Cloud Infrastructures
- COMET: Distributed Metadata Service for Multi-cloud Experiments
- DyNamo: Scalable Weather Workflow Processing in the Academic MultiCloud
- Enabling Data Streaming-based Science Gateway through Federated Cyberinfrastructure
- Fair Sharing of Network Resources Among Workflow Ensembles
- FlyNet: A Platform to Support Scientific Workflows from the Edge to the Core for UAV Applications
- Toward a Dynamic Network-centric Distributed Cloud Platform for Scientific Workflows: A Case Study for Adaptive Weather Sensing
- Graph Neural Network for Anomalies Detection in Scientific Workflows
- FABRIC Network Service Model
- Network Services Management using Programmable Data Planes for Visual Cloud Computing
- Dynamic Network-Centric Multi-cloud Platform for Real-Time and Data-Intensive Science Workflows
- Experiments on Network Services for Video Transmission using FABRIC Instrument Resources
- FlyNet: Drones on the Horizon
- FlyPaw: Optimized Route Planning for Scientific UAV Missions
- (POSTER) Network Testbed for Experimenting With Decentralized Federated Learning
- DISTRI: Development and Integration of Simulation Tools for Resilient Infrastructure
- SWARM: Scientific Workflow Applications on Resilient Metasystem
Related Projects
- CAMP: Cloud Analysis and Measurement Platform
- DyNamo: Delivering a Dynamic Network-Centric Platform for Data-Driven Science
- ENTeR: Enabling NeTwork Research and the Evolution of a Next Generation Midscale Research infrastructure
- ExoGENI Testbed
- FAB (FABRIC Across Borders)
- FlyNet: An ‘On-the-fly’ Deeply Programmable End-to-end Network-Centric Platform for Edge-to-Core Workflows
- PosEiDon: Platform for Explainable Distributed Infrastructure
- SWARM: Scientific Workflow Applications on Resilient Metasystem