Project Description

AtlanticWave-SDX is a distributed experimental SDX, supporting research, experimental deployments, prototyping and interoperability testing, on national and international scales. Challenges in the Wide-Area Networks (WAN) are being addressed by the application of network virtualization and network programmability solutions using Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) technologies. Network virtualization and programmable networks are two key enablers that facilitate agile, fast and more economical network infrastructures as well as service development, deployment and provisioning. The AtlanticWave-SDX project focuses on new capabilities, enabling OXPs to react to unplanned network events by adding intelligent closed-loop control of network services powered by in-band network telemetry.
The project is led by Florida International University (FIU), with the University of Southern California – Information Sciences Institute (USC-ISI), and the Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and builds upon previous work started in 2015 with support from Georgia Institute of Technology (Gatech).